One of the best things about running your own blog is that you can use it to promote your own products. Hopefully, you have built up a good relationship with your blog's readers. They will likely trust you and want to see what you have to say when you decide to release your own product!
When people read your blog, they are doing so because there is something unique about it. There are other blogs in your niche, but they choose to read yours! This alone should give you enough confidence to start thinking about creating your own product in the first place. You can involve them in the process once you decide to make your own product. Survey them on what they want included in the book. Giving them some ownership of the decision-making process will likely lead to increased sales later on.
You can also keep them updated on the book's process. Give hints and sneak previews as to what it will contain. This will whet their appetite for more! It is often the buildup that leads to more sales in Internet marketing. Build up your product and you will likely get many sales very quickly when it comes time for the launch date.
All of this is called a pre-launch. You can even use your blog to get people to sign up for your notification list so they can learn exactly when the product is going to be launched. People will come back for more once they realize how high quality the excerpts and teaser content is! The prelaunch is just as important, if not more, than the actual launch and sales page so do not forget about it!
In the meantime, you will want to be writing (or hiring someone else to write) the sales page. A good sales page will directly call out to those who are most likely to purchase. Many people like to give a special launch price right away to make the offer even more enticing. Perhaps you can create a special blog post where the special price is only available to your readers. You can even have a "grand opening" sale that you launch to your list.
You can continue to promote your product on your blog even after the launch is over. Get some custom graphics created to use as a banner or sidebar ad. Make it very obvious to people who may not have been around for the launch that you have a product to sell and that it is extremely high quality. The chances are good that regular readers will snatch it up right away and even recommend it to other people in your niche if it is good enough!
There is nothing quite like owning your own products, and going through the pre-launch process right on your blog. It can definitely lead to some great sales and keep your readers coming back for more!
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