As you start to establish your expertise and drive more traffic to your website, you will definitely want to look into video marketing. Gone are the days where written content was the only format used on the web! People are turning more and more towards video these days. Part of this is because people have limited time. You can often grab their attention more easily and quickly by presenting them with a video.
It's unfortunate in some cases, but many people would rather watch something than read it. That's why having a presence in the video segment can be such a good thing. That way, you can target both the people who are looking to read for information and those who are looking to watch for information.
You can also use some excellent copywriting techniques through video. Best of all, it does so take on a different format and skill set than writing -- which may be better suited to you if you do not enjoy writing.
There are many different types of videos you can create. In some cases, you may want to make videos that give away certain information, help establish yourself as an expert, and so on. In other cases, you'll want to make videos promoting products as an affiliate in the form of a review or recommendation. Think about the videos you have seen from other affiliate marketers. There are many marketers who put out amazing videos that you can learn a lot from.
There are many different places these videos can go as well. This might be on your own website, on sites like YouTube, or even posted on networks like Facebook. You can repurpose your videos just like you can repurpose your content!
The type of format you'll put the videos in will differ depending on their purpose. In some cases, you will want the video to be a simple PowerPoint presentation with commentary (make it enticing!). In other cases, you'll want your face on screen talking directly to the customer. In still other cases, you'll want to use more advanced techniques to make the video very enticing.
We've already discussed repurposing your written content, now it's time to discuss repurposing your video content. The more places you can get your video out to, the better! You can even turn your old articles into video. You can often leave a link to your website in the informational box on sites like YouTube, Revver, and Viddler. Better yet, you will want to include your URL (either to your site or directly to your squeeze page) directly on the video. That way, no matter where the video is syndicated, people will know where to go to get the good stuff!
By taking part in this form of marketing, you are doing great things for your business. There are ways to create videos incredibly quickly that are still very high quality -- you don't have to be a techie-expert! Taking advantage of video marketing is definitely the way of the future, and you'll want to get in on it as an affiliate marketer to improve your sales all around.
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