There are way too many marketers out there who are just in it for the quick sale. You want to be different! You want to be that marketer that people in your niche turn to time and time again for advice and product recommendations. The best way to do that is to build a great relationship with your list.
One of the biggest reasons why you'll want to do that is because it will improve your bottom line. Not only that, but you'll be giving a lot of value to your subscribers. It really is a good feeling to have done so, and it will help to establish your expertise in the marketplace.
First impressions are always very important. They should feel like they are getting a lot of value from the time they enter their name and e-mail address into your opt-tin box. That is part of the reason why giving away a valuable free report is such an effective technique
There are differences of opinion when it comes to how many marketing messages you should send out versus how many sales type e-mails. You will definitely want to test and track what works best for you, but many people find that that a ratio of content, content with light promotion, and promotion works well.
When you do it this way, you are gradually steering them in the direction you want them to go in -- making a purchase! The people are your list won't feel like you are just trying to make a buck with them. It's a great ratio if you want to build a relationship, offer a lot of value, and make some great sales at the same time.
You can also repurpose content you have written for other avenues. The people on your list will appreciate seeing this content if they have not had a chance to before. This can cut down on the amount of work you have to do, but it will be much appreciated.
Remember to have your own style and personality as a list owner. You want them to not only love your content, but to love you. When they think of getting information and product recommendations in your niche, you want to be the first person that comes to mind for them. If you go about building a relationship in the right way, this will not be an issue for you at all.
The chances are very good that you are on a few autoresponder lists yourself. Do yourself a favor, and start to monitor the messages you receive yourself as they come in. Which ones do you find yourself opening, and why? Which ones do you delete right away and why? If you've made a purchase based on an e-mail you've received, why did you end up making that purchase?
Asking yourself these questions is one of the best ways to ramp up your list marketing efforts and to gain your footing as you start to develop a great relationship with your list.
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