Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to Run a Teleseminar

Running a teleseminar is an excellent way to make more affiliate sales and help establish yourself as an expert in your niche. These teleseminars give you a highly targeted audience that is likely to hang on to your every word.

Perhaps you've never been on one of these yourself. A teleseminar is basically when an expert or group of experts have people on a call listening to information -- much like what would be given at a live seminar.

These calls are best when you offer a lot of quality content on the call, as well as recommendations of products or "next steps" that are highly related to the content you've discussed. You can also try webinars, which are becoming more and more popular these days. They allow you to share your computer screen with the Host A Teleseminarparticipants while giving the seminar! This is a great thing because it keeps people interested in what you're doing and saying.

You should get yourself very organized before you run your teleseminar so there are no "dead spots" or awkward moments while you're speaking. Prepare notes on the topics you plan on talking about. Note that you need to make the proposed topics as interesting and compelling as possible -- otherwise people won't sign up for the call in the first place! It's important to remember that people lead busy lives these days and there needs to be something in it for them that they cannot get elsewhere if you want them to attend your teleseminar.

Note that if you're doing a webinar, you will want to prepare beforehand by creating PowerPoint slides or making a mind map ahead of time. This will help keep people's focus on what you are saying -- it will also help you get organized so there are no embarrassing moments!

In addition to offering quality content and making product recommendations, the chances are good that you will want to take questions from your listeners. This is a great thing because it helps put you in touch with the people you are promoting to. Interactivity should always be your goal. This will help you perfect your marketing and establish yourself as an expert as well.

As you've hopefully grasped by now, teleseminars need to be prepared ahead of time, but you should realize that a lot happens on the fly as well. You never know what will happen in a live situation! You need to be incredibly flexible -- especially if you have guests attending the seminar.

You might feel very intimidated at the though of running your own teleseminar, but there is no reason to be. It may be out of your comfort zone the first time, but then you'll start to realize how effective it can be for establishing yourself and making more sales. It's all part of your marketing funnel.

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