Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Turning Your Blog Into a Membership Site

If you start finding that you're getting a lot of traffic and regular readers, you may want to turn your blog into a membership site. If you've been in Internet marketing for any length of time at all, the chances are good that you are already a member of a membership site yourself. You can run your own as well and make some great money!

Note that there certain niches that are good fits for membership sites, and others that will not work quite as well. The best choices for membership sites are niches where people are desperate to solve a problem, have a hobby they are obsessed with, or have some kind of passion they seek information about. Membership sites are a great way for them to get even more out of what you're offering, and it can also give them other people to talk to if you add a community aspect to your site.

Before you get started, examine whether there are membership sites in your niche already. This will help you see if there is a market for one -- or a need for one. See how they are set up and what kinds of things they offer. You'll need to set yourself apart in the market. If there are no other membership sites, you will need to do some market research and possibly survey your audience to see if this is a good step for you. You can save yourself a lot of headache, time, and money by doing the research upfront to see if running a membership site is a viable option for your niche.

After you've decided that a membership site is a good idea, you will need to find a way to set it up. Thankfully, this is done easily with WordPress! There are many great membership site plugins for you to choose from, such as MemberWing. Some of these do eveMembership Sitesrything for you from taking orders, to keeping track of member details, to keeping nonmembers out of protected areas. There will generally be some upfront investment on your part, but it is usually well worth it in the end.

Now, you likely do not want to completely abandon your blog, especially if you have a great readership base. That's why some of these plug-ins allow you to keep certain blog posts public and make others viewable only to your members. This is the perfect solution so you can have the best of both worlds. Those who are avid readers and fans of your blog will definitely want to join your membership site to see your premium content!

This is a step that is a great, additional monetization option once your blog starts to get fairly popular. Turning it into a membership site is a great way to establish your authority and make more money doing what you love. It's time to evaluate your options today, because a membership site is a great way to go!

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