Many people who want to get started making money online are thrilled that they can monetize with Google's Adsense. Adsense works differently than promoting affiliate products or even CPA offers. That's because you get paid every single time someone clicks on an Adsense ad on your blog!
Some people find that the niche they have entered is better suited to Adsense than to affiliate products. Perhaps you're having difficulty increasing conversions on the product you are trying to promote. In this case, you can switch those links out with your Adsense code to see what will earn you the most money. There are certain ways you'll need to place your Adsense in order to increase your clicks.
It can be helpful to visit sites that are successfully monetized in this way -- pay careful attention to how they lay everything out. In many cases, bloggers place Adsense above their post, somewhere in the middle, and somewhere at the end of the post. In general, you can only have three Adsense blocks per page, or you can get your account suspended.
You will also want to pay careful attention to which colors you choose for your Adsense ads. You don't want to trick your reader, but there is no harm in making the Adsense block links the same color as other links on your page. This can have a subconscious effect that can dramatically increase your click through rate!
There are an incredible number of people who make steady, full-time incomes with Google's Adsense. Some people love the ease of it all and the fact that they don't have to worry about people making a purchase after clicking through their link. Test and track this yourself to see if Google's Adsense is right for you. You will want to study best practices for ad placement to increase your click through rates to earn as much money as you can.
If you want an even more guaranteed and steadier form of income, you might even consider selling your own ad space. This works best when you have a steady flow of traffic already coming in. Other webmasters love getting links back to their websites because it can boost their rankings in the search engines.
When you sell ad space, you can give them a high quality link and promotional text or banner right on your blog. In general, they will pay you a flat rate per month, or per week, for as long as they advertise there. You will have to negotiate a deal and come to terms with something that will work out best for both of you.
Monetizing a blog with Adsense or selling ad space gives you even more ways to monetize above and beyond affiliate marketing and CPA offers. It is all about maximizing your conversions and increasing your income in any way you can! Definitely give these methods some thought, because they can be highly lucrative options for many bloggers.
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