One of the best things about having an autoresponder list is that it can be relatively hands-off way to market for you. Of course, that means that you need to have a follow-up sequence ready to go and loaded into your autoresponder. It's important to carefully structure these autoresponder messages so that you maximize your click through rate.
The way you do this will depend on your plans for your autoresponder. If you're using the method where you have one content-based e-mail, one slightly promotional e-mail, then one fully promotional e-mail, the way you write each e-mail will differ.
In the first type of e-mail you may not put any links at all. With the second type, you'll likely have a lot of content with a brief mention of a product that can help towards the end. That doesn't mean that you won't expect to get any sales from this type of e-mail!
You still need to pay attention to how you insert the link and what you say to get people to click through. It can really help you structure the e-mail in a way that captures their attention, stirs up some emotion, and leaves them to realize that you have found a solution to their problem. Then, you can insert the link where they can find out more information. Have a strong call to action to get a very high click-through rate. When you structure your e-mail in this way, it is very natural for people to click to see what else you have to offer.
If you have a strongly promotional e-mail, things will be set up slightly differently. You still want to stir up that emotion and guide them to the fact that you have a solution. The hope is that you have warmed them up by this point with your other content from the previous parts of the autoresponder. You might want to insert your link more than one time if it makes sense to do so in the copy. As further enticement, you may want to specify that you have given a full review or special bonus following the link you want them to click.
No matter what you do, it's key to capture people's attention. As was mentioned in another lesson, you need to examine what other marketers do successfully and model your techniques after them. Everything from the subject line of your e-mail to the closing sentence needs to be carefully prepared to maximize click through rates. Remember -- if people don't open your e-mail in the first place, the rest of what you write doesn't matter.
The great thing is that after you've written your follow up sequence and start to get more and more people on your list, the sales will start to come in in a hands-off way for you!
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